Sunday, 6 November 2011

Review OkMap 8.7.1

This application is compatible with 10 leading GPS devices, including Garmin and Magellan output. To transfer data, USB connection will allow you to send and receive data had a GPS device. Besides online, you can also import data in offl ine through the fi le with extension LOC and GPX and DEM data. In addition, OkMap also supports a lot of pictures and other popular data formats.

You can also manually draw digital maps and scanned maps as background maps. OkMap can also be used to view a map of the work of Google Maps and Google Earth. And not only in the form of 2D, but also in 3D.

OkMap can run on operating systems Windows XP and above. In order to run smoothly, it takes additional applications of the Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 SP1 which should be downloaded and installed separately.

22.89 MB file size
license Free
price -
System requirements Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008 / 7

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