Samsung has recently announced the presence of the Samsung Omnia W, the first smartphone that carries the Windows OS Phone 7.5 aka Mango. Samsung Omnia W will come with a screen measuring 3.7 inch AMOLED Super and powered by 1.4 GHz processor speed.
Other features like main 5 MP camera which can record 720p video @, classmates secondary VGA camera, Bluetooth, GPS, 8GB of internal memory, 512MB of RAM also graced the presence of this smartphone.
Not only that, the Samsung Omnia W is also equipped with facilities such as connectivity Samsung Hub, Zune Player, access to the Marketplace, Microsoft Office hub, and Windows Live SkyDrive.
Samsung Omnia W expected to attend in October. As for banderolnya, the smartphone is allegedly a price equal to the HTC Radar, which is about 350 pounds (5 million-an).
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